Thursday, 6 May 2021

Magnetic or Non-magnetic Sensory Bin

The little one was introduced to magnets earlier this month through the DIY Magnetic Fishing game, that we played at the his birthday and more recently through the Magnetic Paper Plate Maze we made last week.

So lately, his curiosity around how magnets work, is high! He goes around the house with his little magnetic stick (from the maze game) or the fishing hook trying to see what sticks to his magnet and what doesn't! 😅

So I set up this little activity for my sensory bin loving child. I dunked in a few magnetic and non-magnetic objects from around the house into our rice bin and asked him to sort them using his magnetic 'wand'. He loved it! 💛

The magnetic wand us just a popsicle stick with a little magnet stuck on one end.

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