Tuesday 20 November 2018

Sticky Notes Memory Game (Shapes)

A few weeks ago, we discovered that all we needed was our white board, some sticky notes and some markers to keep us entertained for a good deal of time! :) I have been coming up with quite a few variations of early learning activities with just these three items and this is one of them.

Most of our activities these days revolve around ABC, colours and shapes. Because the Mini is obsessed with these :) So for this particular activity, I chose to base it around some basic shapes. The concept is the same just like any other memory game - remembering, finding and pairing the similar items.

This was the first time I was playing a memory game with him, so was not sure if he would grasp the concept. But to my delight he did, and enjoyed it thoroughly too! :)

You can do this activity based around what interests your child. Numbers, Letters, Names etc. We based it around shapes for this one and eventually tried other variations too. Its a lovely little game to help little ones improve their memory power. Happy playing! :)

How we played the game:

  • I drew some shapes on the white board, making sure they are in pairs, but spread across the white board and are not right next to each other.
  • Then, I covered each shape that I drew with a sticky note.
  • Now, I asked the Mini to uncover one sticky note to see what shape was hidden under it. 
  • Then, asked him to uncover a second sticky note to see if the pair of the shape that we discovered first, lay under it. 
    • If it did, then we leave the two slots uncovered and move on to the rest of the covered shapes to pair them too.
    • If it did not, then I re-pasted the second sticky note and asked him to open another one until he found a pair to the first one.
  • We went on till we paired all the shapes... and then we repeated the entire process a few more times! :)

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