Sunday, 3 February 2019

Mother's Day Card for Grandmothers | Toddler Craft

While browsing Pinterest for inspiration to make a simple Mother's Day card with my toddler, I found this super cute Mother's Day card idea. It was a card in the shape of a hand (a toddler hand) and it just opened up as a card with personalised message inside. So, I gave it a little twist and made it a Mother's Day pop-up card for the Grandmothers, using the toddler's and our hand prints! :)

It indeed was a fun activity which involved all of us. It did take a few retakes to get a perfect hand print of the wriggly little Mini, but at the end, it was all so well worth it! We just used some very basic craft supply for these adorable cards. You can customise it your own way and make as a birthday card, a farewell card or the like. 

We made two - One for my mother with my palm print cutout enveloping the Mini's palm print cutout and the other for my mother-in-law with my husband's palm print cutout enveloping the Mini's palm print cutout :)

Go ahead and get crafty with your little one. This project is sure to warm everyone's hearts :) 

Maze Shape Sorting Game

This was one fun activity we did a few months ago. It needs just 5 minutes of prep work and you are all set to have loads of fun for a good amount of time. It aids them to concentrate and multi-task and they need to walk on the ramp and also sort the items based on the shape. It tingles their little brains a bit and also give those tiny legs a little work out ion the process! :D

My boy is very fond of shapes and loves identifying shapes in everyday items. He has a few shape based puzzle and toys. This little game actually uses the pieces of a simple wooden shape sorter toy that he has in which there are little wooden pieces of 4 different shapes and colours that need to be sorted and inserted based on shape, onto a stand that has tiny sticks to hold the shapes in place. If you do not already have a shape sorter toy, you can use anything else that you have at hand or you could just cut out pieces of chart paper into different shapes and colours.

This game was an absolute hit with my Mini. He wanted to do it a few times over! Hope your little one enjoys it too :)